Main Stream Videos

Senate passes $1.9 trillion COVID relief package

The Senate approved President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package Saturday, over 24 hours after opening debate on the bill. The amended legislation now heads to the House for consideration. If it is...

Velshi: The Real Difference Between $600 and $2000

The House of Representatives approved giving millions of Americans $2,000 relief checks rather than the $600 that had been passed and sent to the President’s desk. That bipartisan bill came up against Sen. Mitch...

Velshi: Working for the Dream

In a year marked by constant and tremendous racial strife, celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the meaning of a day honoring a man who was committed to peacefully fighting for civil rights is even more poignant...

Velshi: Expertise Without Honesty Is BS

Expertise is essential, when it’s honest. But in 2020, two of Ali Velshi’s biggest disappointments were experts who failed us, and themselves. When it comes to the handling of COVID-19, Dr. Deborah Birx was even more...