Former RNC Chair joins Morning Joe to discuss why he’s endorsing Joe Biden for president.
Trump Crashing As 2020 Early Voting Jumps 400 Percent | The Beat With Ari Melber
New data shows a whopping 29 million people have already voted in 2020 – breaking records – and MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on early voting turnout in the 16 states which release data on party...
Trump Now Crashing In 2020 As Some Fans Bolt, Echoing Trump U. Debacle
New 2020 polls from six key states show some Trump 2016 voters abandoning him — imperiling his narrow coalition. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on why both the loyalty and enmity among Trump fans is different...
Global coronavirus cases have surpassed 40 million
As the global count of coronavirus cases passes 40 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, CNN reporters explain how different countries are trying to combat the virus.
CBS News poll: Biden leads Trump in Wisconsin, has edge in Arizona
The latest CBS News Battleground Tracker poll shows Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leading in the key states of Arizona and Wisconsin. CBS News director of elections and surveys Anthony Salvanto speaks to...
Poisoned Russian opposition leader shares defiant warning
lexey Navalny spoke to “60 Minutes” about the August incident that left him hospitalized and critically ill, saying, “I’m sure [Vladimir Putin] is responsible.”
Michigan gov kidnapping plot traces back to protest months earlier, FBI says: Part 1
After Gov. Whitmer enacted strict statewide stay-at-home orders in March, a group of protesters, some armed, flooded the state capitol as President Trump took aim at her on Twitter and at rallies.